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Nomination committee appointed ahead of 2014 Annual General Meeting of Cloetta AB (publ)

In accordance with the decision of the Annual General Meeting regarding rules for Cloetta’s nominating committee, the nominating committee ahead of the Annual General Meeting in April 2014 has now been appointed.

The nomination committee consists of the following members:
Christer Wagenius
, Chairman, appointed by AB Malfors Promotor
Lars-Åke Bokenberger, appointed by AMF Försäkring och Fonder
Peter Rönström, appointed by Lannebo Fonder
Stefan Jacobsson
, appointed by Cidron Pord S.á.r.l. (Nordic Capital Fund V) and Godis Holdings S.á.r.l. (CVC Capital Partners)
Lennart Bylock
, appointed by the Board of Cloetta AB

Cloetta’s 2014 Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 29 April 2014, at 2:00 p.m. in Stockholm, Sweden.

Shareholders are welcome to send proposals to the nominating committee ahead of the 2014 Annual General Meeting by e-mail to

Media contact

Jacob Broberg, SVP Corporate Communications & Investor Relations, +46 70 190 00 33.