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Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Cloetta AB (publ)

Shareholders of Cloetta AB (publ), 556308-8144, are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting, to be held on Thursday, 4 April 2019 at 3:00 p.m. at Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Nils Ericsons Plan 4 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Management change in Cloetta

Oskari Vidman, Chief Pick & Mix Officer, has decided to leave Cloetta to take up a position in another company. He will leave Cloetta at the latest in June, 2019.

Frans Ryden appointed CFO

Frans Ryden has been appointed Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in Cloetta. He will report to Henri de Sauvage-Nolting, CEO, and be part of Group Management. Frans Ryden will assume his position at the latest 1 December, 2018.

Management change in Cloetta

Danko Maras, CFO, has decided to leave Cloetta to take up a position as CFO at another company. He will leave Cloetta after the Q2-report in July, 2018. The work to find his successor has already been initiated in line with the Cloetta succession planning process.

Management change in Cloetta

Thomas Biesterfeldt has been appointed Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). He succeeds Erwin Segers who has decided to leave Cloetta to pursue other opportunities. Thomas Biesterfeldt will report to Henri de Sauvage-Nolting, CEO, and be part of Group Management. He will assume his position as of 1 May, 2018.